Events Calendar

27 to 27 Jan 2025: Monday Men's
28 to 28 Jan 2025: Stick League
28 to 28 Jan 2025: Stick League
28 to 28 Jan 2025: CFB Mixed
28 to 28 Jan 2025: AB League

sollogoCurlers, friends, neighbors - enjoy AMCC's new in-house dining offering. 
Tap the logo for menu, specials, and hours.
Uber Eats / DoorDash / Skip the Dishes also availabile.

 Monday April 3rd to Thursday April 6th - OUR 5TH YEAR! 

Two - 4 End Games per night Monday thru Wednesday

  • First Draw games at 6:00 and 7:00 pm, then the Second Draw games are at 8:30 and 9:30 pm.
  • Thursday night - First Draw teams play at 6:00, then Second Draw teams play at 7:00, to separate who plays in the final games at 8:30 pm.

funspiel2a Entries

  • On line at (click the Register Now button below)
  • Loyd Olson at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone/text 204-793-4759
  • First Draw reserved for school age participants. If you work until 5:00 or 6:00, the Second Draw can be for you.
  • 5 and 6 person teams welcome, and even encouraged.

Entry Fee

$80/Team ($10 discount for each player under 19 to a minimum of $40/team).


  • All teams remain in A for first 4 games.
  • After game 4, the win/loss combinations will match up teams in A, B, or C events.
  • BUT a path to an early Prize Pick is possible for most so do not despair.

As always... 

  • We have a way to separate the fun teams from the fun family teams with young'uns.
  • Our young players will be scheduled early and have a lower entry fee.
  • Tuesday is Curlagin Day - wear a 'fun' hat or other 'fun' clothing item(s) and win a Curlagin (Mulligan).
  • Wednesday is Quiz Night - after your games, come upstairs and choose to answer a Curling History or Curling Rules question. Get the question correct and win a prize.

funspiel3aPick-a-Prize format. FUNPrize picks at Thursday 8:30 and/or 9:30 pm.

Click here to register online.





CURLING CANADA - report filed for each draw / photo albums

A New Ryan Express Riding High at 2017 Canadian Juniors

Latest update 27-Jan: Team Ryan (MB) finishes Championship Pool games tied for 3rd place (4W/3L), plays tiebreaker (Draw 18) against Team Hall (ON) @ 4:00 pm today.

Manitoba misses shot at fifth consecutive Junior curling title

Congratulations to Team Ryan and Team Burtnyk All Stars and Award Winners! (photo album)

The pairing of Hailey Ryan of Manitoba and Nick Zachernuk of Nova Scotia, with coach Dean Kleiter of Saskatchewan, captured the gold medal in the mixed doubles tournament at the 2017 Canadian Junior Curling Championships.

Pictured L to R: Cindy Boroskae, Jim Bender, Al SeredynskiFor over ten years AMCC Mon, Tue & Thu Men’s Leagues have collected the proceeds from all December 50/50 proceeds and donated them to Winnipeg’s Christmas Cheer Board. This practice was started by Jim Bender of the Winnipeg Sun and Daryl Fathers, AMCC former Bar Manager. 

This year’s donation was $407.00 which is a significant increase over last year’s $268.50. Jim Bender accepted our cheque on behalf of the Christmas Cheer Board and expressed gratitude to the Men’s Leagues for their generosity. Pictured L to R: Cindy Boroskae, Jim Bender, Al Seredynski.

A huge THANK YOU is also extended to Cindy and her bar staff for ensuring that all Men’s League curlers have the “opportunity” to participate.

Team Wilkinson,
Men’s Windup Committee

Spare Player Sign-up

All spare curlers not registered as a full-time player in an AMCC league are asked to register as a spare.

Member Login

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Recipient

We are excited to share that AMCC has been selected by @CTJumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids.

SRF Badge Eng

Jumpstart funds will be utilized in direct support of our Youth Curling Program which will be expanded to include a fully certified head Instructor, clinicians as required and some additional equipment. The Program will focus on Youth from all Demographics and backgrounds as well as the potential to include the disabled.

Contact Us

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club

940 Vimy Road

Mailing address: 
Box 20062,RPO Westwood
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3K 2E5

Phone: 204-832-5817 | Fax: 204-888-8996
Email: [email protected] 

Follow Us

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Club Information

The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club carries the pride of honouring these men and all others who fought for freedom in World War I and II. We are mindful of the task we have undertaken and endeavor to carry out our curling in a friendly and sportsmanlike manner. We are proud of them; we hope they would have been proud of us.



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