Events Calendar

17 to 17 Feb 2025: Monday Men's
18 to 18 Feb 2025: Stick League
18 to 18 Feb 2025: Stick League
18 to 18 Feb 2025: CFB Mixed
18 to 18 Feb 2025: AB League

sollogoTap the logo for restaurant menu, specials, and hours. Uber Eats / DoorDash / Skip the Dishes also available.

Congratulations to French Buffet door prize winner Norm Scott, who will enjoy free food and drink for our next one (TBA).

The 2021/22 curling season at the AMCC is off to a roaring start as we endeavour to put the previous season in the rear view mirror with hopes that some sense of normalcy will prevail in the months ahead.

AMCC is pleased to be the host venue for the Ernie Oliver Stick Spiel 29/30 Sep 2021, featuring 32 two-person teams from the city and beyond.  Competition is scheduled throughout both days culminating Thursday afternoon with presentation of the main event hardware and prize money to winners of the secondary events.  Drop by the club and check out a style of curling which is being acknowledged as the growth industry in the roaring game.

Effective 1-3 Oct, AMCC will be hosting the very competitive Atkins Curling Supplies Classic featuring many high level Mens and Womens teams competing for MCT/WCT points and a berth in the Provincial Championships. Play commences Fri morning and will wrap up Sunday afternoon with some great curling throughout the competition.  Complete draw and results can be found on Curling Zone (Men / Women).

Spectators are encouraged to take in the action.  Please note that COVID-19 protocols, particularly verification of full Vaccination and presentation of valid ID, must be adhered to in order to access the facility.   


Note: Archie was presented with his Honorary Life Membership at AMCC's AGM on September 23, 2021.

archie 2021

"Moving on to the highlight of the evening. I must tell you that my first year as the Club’s President has been perhaps the most difficult and stressful time in my entire life. And you must understand that I have raised three daughters to adulthood, so I know a thing or two about stress.

This club and its history have a special importance to me and navigating through this Pandemic, making difficult decisions that will hopefully ensure this facility is around for our children and their children is something that we on the board do not take lightly.

So to receive the nomination for an Honorary Life Membership to the individual we are about to honour gave me nothing but joy and excitement.
Many of the Board of Directors were aware of the longstanding history this individual has with our club; however, the extent of his contributions was brought to the forefront by his peers Harold Cook and Bruce Leckie and for that I am thankful.

His many important contributions to our Club including serving on the Board have had significant impacts in positioning the AMCC into a facility that all may continue to enjoy. From playing major roles in the creation of our existing Senior and Masters Leagues, as well as organizing many bonspiels (including the long running Aboriginal Bonspiel and Senior Bonspiel), golf tournaments and entertainment opportunities to physically helping with club renovations and upgrades, His name will forever be associated as one of the great people who helped establish the AMCC as the Home of Champions.

I am of course speaking about Archie Mullin. So, on behalf of the Board of Directors, it gives me great pleasure to award you, Archie, in recognition of your many years of dedicated service to the betterment of the AMCC an Honorary Life Membership.

At this time, I would like to call upon Board Director Paul Batchelor to come up and present this award to you Archie."


League sign-up is now available for most leagues - instructions may be viewed here.  

  • Note: page 2, step 3 - if you used the "remember me" option to stay logged in to the website, click the Members -> Member's Home menu to open the sign-up page.
  • Sep 7: Youth program sign-up is now available. On page 2, step 3 of the instructions above - click the "click here to register youth curlers" link. Program description may be viewed here.
  • If you are using a phone to sign up, some parts of the form may not be visible. Try turning your phone sideways (wide); scroll through the entire form and look for any fields highlighted in RED. This indicates missing or incorrectly entered information (most common issue: phone number not entered as xxx-yyy-zzzz - you MUST use a dash between groups of digits).
  • E-transfer payments are accepted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An AMCC website account is required for both types of sign-ups. If you have not created an account on the AMCC website yet - please scroll down for instructions.

A summary of our Return to Play / Safe Operating Plan may be viewed here (our full Player's Guide was added to this page on Sep 1).

League Listing

A list of currently confirmed leagues may be viewed here:

  • Listed fees are based on a 10% increase from last year's ice rental rates (which will be discounted for members who paid fees last year - refunds will be handed out by league conveners within a couple of games of your league start date).
  • Except where league conveners asked for AMCC to collect additional funds on their behalf (e.g. for prizes, meals, etc - 100% of which will be transferred to the league by AMCC when the sign-up window closes) - the fee listed covers 100% of ice costs only. For leagues that chose not to ask for this additional fee collection through the registration process, your convener may require additional payment later in the year.

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Spare Player Sign-up

All spare curlers not registered as a full-time player in an AMCC league are asked to register as a spare.

Member Login

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Recipient

We are excited to share that AMCC has been selected by @CTJumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids.

SRF Badge Eng

Jumpstart funds will be utilized in direct support of our Youth Curling Program which will be expanded to include a fully certified head Instructor, clinicians as required and some additional equipment. The Program will focus on Youth from all Demographics and backgrounds as well as the potential to include the disabled.

Contact Us

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club

940 Vimy Road

Mailing address: 
Box 20062,RPO Westwood
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3K 2E5

Phone: 204-832-5817 | Fax: 204-888-8996
Email: [email protected] 

Follow Us

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Club Information

The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club carries the pride of honouring these men and all others who fought for freedom in World War I and II. We are mindful of the task we have undertaken and endeavor to carry out our curling in a friendly and sportsmanlike manner. We are proud of them; we hope they would have been proud of us.



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