During this evening's monthly meeting, our Board of Directors made the difficult decision to shut down the ice plant at this time.
Despite all of our efforts, current public health restrictions simply do not make any attempts to continue curling this season feasible.
February 15, 2021
Good Evening AMCC Members,
By now, you are most likely aware of the revised Public Health Orders that the Province placed into effect Friday February 12th. Unfortunately, those revised orders continue to prevent us from opening our facility to you in any meaningful way.
The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club Board of Directors met virtually on the evening of February 12th and made the difficult decision to officially end our Curling Season effective immediately.
Like you, the Club is extremely disappointed to have had to make this decision. Throughout the season, the Club and its Board has worked tirelessly to ensure we provided a safe facility that exceeded public health regulations where our members could participate and enjoy.
Based in part from your valuable feedback and support, the Club continued to operate under the premise that we would be able to return to play at some point to conclude our season. Our facility, having been efficiently maintained, was ready to open immediately after the Provincial Health Orders were lifted. No one could have imagined however that three and a half months later we would still be under a Code Red Lockdown.
As a Non-Profit Organization, the Club relies heavily on our Member’s fees and our lounge sales to keep our doors open on a yearly basis. The Club has faced severe financial challenges this year in the wake of this Pandemic, but has left no stone unturned in cutting expenses and applying for every available grant, loan or program to help offset the loss of revenue and continued expenses.
The Club has projected a deficit this season as a result of the pandemic, which increases significantly the longer we are forced to wait for the restrictions to be lifted.
The decision to shut the Club down now helps to ensure the Club may open next season without the need to burden our members with unprecedented increases in fees. The Board has always been upfront and transparent with our members from the start as we navigated through this season together.
From our AGM in August where you approved of our direction and Return to Play Guidelines up until the decision to shut down our season this past weekend, your ongoing feedback and support has been greatly appreciated.
We remain committed to being able provide you the opportunity to once again enjoy all that the AMCC has to offer. The work of your Club Executive to finalize the books and plan for next season has already begun. Further updates will be made available to you once completed.
Thank-you for your continued understanding and support through these difficult times. We look forward to seeing you next season where we hope the exciting changes and opportunities planned for you will wash away the disappointment of this season.
Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club - Board of Directors