Week 5 - Nov. 15, 2014
The Little Rockers began the day by successfully guessing the phrase “We love our Little Rockers”! On the ice, they demonstrated their much improved balance skills by showing what terrific “tight rope walkers” they are! After a rousing game of “Musical Brushing” they showed us how good they are at aiming by sliding their rocks successfully between two cones. Sharp shooting Little Rockers!
This week our Bantam curlers learned to control their push from the hack by sliding out and stopping at cones positioned on the ice. It sure takes a big push from the hack to get the rock all the way to the other end! After a game of “Musical Brushing”, the Bantams had an opportunity to team up with the Juniors for a little game of 3 on 3. They finished the day by learning what all the skip’s gestures mean!
Our Juniors continue to work hard at perfecting their delivery technique. This week they performed for the movie camera by demonstrating how well they can deliver a stone! After a game of “Musical Brushing” they had an opportunity to practice their strategy and skipping skills as they led their team of Bantams in a little game of 3 on 3. Well done Juniors!