Events Calendar

17 to 17 Feb 2025: Monday Men's
18 to 18 Feb 2025: Stick League
18 to 18 Feb 2025: Stick League
18 to 18 Feb 2025: CFB Mixed
18 to 18 Feb 2025: AB League

sollogoTap the logo for restaurant menu, specials, and hours. Uber Eats / DoorDash / Skip the Dishes also available.

Congratulations to French Buffet door prize winner Norm Scott, who will enjoy free food and drink for our next one (TBA).

As the winners of the final match against St. Vital CC representatives last season, AMCC curlers will once again be participating in the O'Grady Challenge. From the linked article:

In 1908 Colonel J.W. deCourey O’Grady, who was President of the Manitoba Curling Association, presented a trophy to encourage good will and promote curling matches between affiliated clubs in the Association, which at that time included clubs from North Western Ontario and parts of Saskatchewan. The official name is the O’Grady but is also affectionately known and called “The Old Buffalo”, the latter being taken from a figure of a bison standing in a defiant attitude on the trophy. This large beautiful trophy, which is still in competition today, can be seen at the Curling Hall of Fame in the Manitoba Sports Museum at the Sport for Life Centre, 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg. Colonel O’Grady also served as President in 1911.

This year's event schedule can be found here.

A list of past AMCC curlers who participated in the event may be found here - along with the following statistics:

The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club’s first challenge was on March 1, 1975 when they played host to the St. Pierre Curling Club and won their first match by a score of 18 to 5 and became holder of the O’Grady Challenge Trophy for the first time. Since 1975 through Spring of 2019, they have played in 61 matches and have also lost 6 games and won 6 games by default. There has been a total of 150 members of the Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club play in the competition to date.

If anybody can fill in some of the "blanks" (e.g. provide a full name instead of just an initial), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Please be advised that demolition activities will begin at the former Vimy Arena site on Thursday, November 14. The following changes to AMCC parking arrangements will result:

  • A fence will be erected along the east property line of our parking lot. You may continue to park along the fence - but please utilize angle parking, as an access aisle to the back parking lot must be maintained at all times.

  • The back (north) parking lot will be open on a full-time basis. Younger curlers are asked to use this lot at times when large groups of seniors are in the building.

  • Construction staff are fully authorized to park and work in the north parking lot. In return for this access, their organization is looking after a significant portion of our snow clearing for this season, and have agreed to refurbish affected areas of the parking lot surface upon completion of construction. They will also be welcomed to frequent our lounge and restaurant at appropriate times - but they do have their own washroom facilities for their use on the construction site.

  • Please be extra cautious, and especially be on the lookout for construction staff and vehicles, when entering and exiting our parking lot areas.

See bulletin board postings and images below (tap to enlarge) for further details. Concerns related to this issue should be brought to the attention of the Facility Manager or Club President. Please make our new neighbors feel welcome over the next several months.

bruce oake angle parking amcc bruce oake parking 2


George Archibald, Jody Smart (Facility Manager) Al Kohli and Archie Mullin are pictured, presenting a cheque of $2,500 to AMCC. These funds will be applied towards replacement of the heater on sheet 8 (approximate cost $4000).

Cash 2500

Thanks to everyone who supports our 50/50 draws during the winter and our Senior Men's Bonspiel in March. It has allowed the Senior Men's League to make a number of donations to assist in repairs around the facility.

Spare Player Sign-up

All spare curlers not registered as a full-time player in an AMCC league are asked to register as a spare.

Member Login

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Recipient

We are excited to share that AMCC has been selected by @CTJumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids.

SRF Badge Eng

Jumpstart funds will be utilized in direct support of our Youth Curling Program which will be expanded to include a fully certified head Instructor, clinicians as required and some additional equipment. The Program will focus on Youth from all Demographics and backgrounds as well as the potential to include the disabled.

Contact Us

Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club

940 Vimy Road

Mailing address: 
Box 20062,RPO Westwood
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3K 2E5

Phone: 204-832-5817 | Fax: 204-888-8996
Email: [email protected] 

Follow Us

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Club Information

The Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club carries the pride of honouring these men and all others who fought for freedom in World War I and II. We are mindful of the task we have undertaken and endeavor to carry out our curling in a friendly and sportsmanlike manner. We are proud of them; we hope they would have been proud of us.



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